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  1. M

    I self-published a Trivia book, and it’s #1 on Amazon (free download)

    @pkonstantinosrv No money. Yes ranked, #1 Free download - you decide if content is human.
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    How to Self Publish a Book

    @heleadethme Good luck!! Check out /r/KDP for help on the platform. I self published a couple of months ago,
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    I self-published a Trivia book, and it’s #1 on Amazon (free download)

    Hey all, I made a book with AI! It’s #1, yay for me!! You can have it for free: Here’s all the code that went into it: So, 90% of the code was AI generated, I asked GPT-4...
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    Chat GPT for a quick Q & A bot

    @bhickey777 Oh, yes sorry. I wanted the bot to stay focused on the task at hand, which is to discuss my podcast. This was meant to prevent the user from getting off subject
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    Chat GPT for a quick Q & A bot

    @bhickey777 I’m also struggling, I feel like I’m in this place now where it still sounds like someone is just reading a wiki page. I think the voice needs to be more opinionated. I tailored these prompts to ensure that the script can be read by a single speaker, since that’s what my text to...
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    Chat GPT for a quick Q & A bot

    Hey all, I’ve been trying to promote my podcast, and figured I’d share this tactic with you all, and see if it’s worth starting a discussion around. Curious if you might have a use case for a tool like this. Basically, I started a convo with Chat GPT, loaded it up with info and context about...