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  1. E

    Rudimentary A/B testing on Carrd

    How it looks like
  2. E

    Rudimentary A/B testing on Carrd

    I know lots of marketing folks who use Carrd as a marketing landing page for their company’s products and services. And a few had asked if it’s possible to do A/B testing using Carrd, to test how different versions of marketing copy and landing page designs will affect the conversion rate. I’m...
  3. E

    I made an AI-powered chat moderation bot for your Telegram community

    @kat7 Great to finally see it out in the wild, Ben! Was great fun beta testing Watchdog. It's awesome to witness the potential for AI in moderating trolls and undesirable messages in my communities and chat groups. Since adding Watchdog to my local chat group, I no longer worry about not...