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  1. B

    Set up LTD company in UK or no?

    @nickolasss Great idea!! Are there any issues that may occur when transferring money from UK company to the US, i.e will I have to pay any extra taxes or fees?
  2. B

    Set up LTD company in UK or no?

    Currently working an ai product that will aid in development, research and monitoring of AI. I have got a few researchers/PhDs from my university interested and they want to try it when I get it complete. I will most likely be able to get a decent ammount of PhD students from a few top ranking...
  3. B

    Lessons from my YC Application review

    @daveo Wow such a cool idea, and the fact that you have actual users is so sick! Honestly YC seems to be hit or miss, I have a friend who has got in with just an idea and zero MVP, arguably its a hardware product which needs VC funding, but stil. Who were the interviewrs if you don't mind...