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    Starting a Business - PayU vs. Razorpay for Online Payments (Need Advice!)

    @lelam Yes, UPI is in beta. You can request access to it.
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    Starting a Business - PayU vs. Razorpay for Online Payments (Need Advice!)

    @lelam Don't use PayU! I repeat, don't. I have it on one of my hosting businesses. They block payouts and unnecessarily harrass showing weird reasons. I had to fight for 6 months over email just to get the funds cleared which customers paid through them. Google it, there's tons of people...
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    Hardest thing about starting a SaaS

    @calo For me, number 5. Writing a compelling copy for the launch, and, cracking the sales game to reach the exactly intended audience.
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    Roast my idea Please!

    @hard_to_get_by_right_now Who decides what's "best-in-class"? And, for whom? As in, something that's "best-in-class" for a law student writing a thesis, wouldn't be a "best-in-class" for a seasoned lawyer practicing in court! How is your solution any different than the dozens of other...