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  1. G

    I just realized the app I use to send invoices was sending out reminders at the 3, 5, and 7 day mark

    @heyheyheynoname Construction cleaning, so it's standard to not get paid until the contractor gets paid.
  2. G

    I just realized the app I use to send invoices was sending out reminders at the 3, 5, and 7 day mark

    @heyheyheynoname Others have guessed right, it was Wave.
  3. G

    I just realized the app I use to send invoices was sending out reminders at the 3, 5, and 7 day mark

    @never Just out of curiosity, how did you all know that? Are there other quirks I should be aware of?
  4. G

    I just realized the app I use to send invoices was sending out reminders at the 3, 5, and 7 day mark

    @i4e I'm using Wave for now, I need some capitol (capital?) before I throw in for Quickbooks. I am going to let it lie. Thank god the main client it would be affecting is also my landlords, and we are on very good terms. They've been a godsend, really.
  5. G

    I just realized the app I use to send invoices was sending out reminders at the 3, 5, and 7 day mark

    I'm horrified! Dudes, like payment should be within 14-30 days in my industry, I can't believe I didn't realize my settings were doing that. Thank god a dude I just did work for let me know. I should have been more on top of that. It's only affected a few clients so far, so I'm not going...