Search results

  1. N

    Marketing AMA

    @bagpuss66 That's an excellent idea, in that case work on your brand identity,values and your voice What do you want to be known for ? What emotions do you want to evoke in your clients when they think about your brand ? What tone do you want to use ? What is your brand archetype ? (...
  2. N

    Marketing AMA

    @bagpuss66 By targeting restaurant owners, I assume it is a high ticket offer And more often than not, they have loads of connections inbetween and share resources - so referral can be a good source of lead generation Try to find forums ( recently active ones and even subreddits on reddit )...
  3. N

    Marketing AMA

    Share the marketing challenge you're currently facing, along with the stage of your business (A, B...), and I'll provide tailored tips to help you overcome it! :-) A. Ideation / pre MVP B. MVP Validation C. Pre launch D. Growth / scale up E. Established F. Any other stage ? Mention in the...