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    @katharine2 What is the cost of value delivery of this post?
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    Junk Removal AMA

    @misterlogicman Go work for a company for a year at least if that's something you want to do.
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    Junk Removal AMA

    @misterlogicman I mostly do kitchen cabinet installs. I live about an hour from a big city. Not even really high cost. Sometimes there's more money I boring stuff. What kind of blog do you write for?
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    Junk Removal AMA

    @misterlogicman I was always a tinkerer. Worked some shitty retail jobs and when I was unemployed my buddy invited me to come help install cabinets. You can DM if you want, or ask questions here for everyone to learn.
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    Junk Removal AMA

    I don't do junk removal, I do carpentry
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    Junk Removal AMA

    @iibesaved Not OP, I worked basically part time last year. Maybe 20-30 hours a week. Gross 90k. No ads or marketing. Just B2B. Double hours could be 3-4x gross revenue easy. Without advertising. Just networking.
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    How do I get organized?

    @towerwatchman I use a combo of the calendar app on my phone (sync to PC), Google Keep and old fashioned hand notes. I'm just a one man show, so probably not a scalable solution, but that's what works for me right now.
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    Passed out nearly 500 business cards and 500 flyers and could find a single client other than a friend

    @rzimiscool I would do some freebies for a couple of local businesses, maybe a retirement community, a popular bar/restaurant and any homeowner over 70 years old.
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @varzr Like most any business. People need/want shit done. Plenty of people willing to take their money to do it, but bottleneck on people that can/will do the work.
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    Passed out nearly 500 business cards and 500 flyers and could find a single client other than a friend

    @streakygopher Find the oldest residents in your neighborhood and next time it snows, call the local news and tell them you're doing their driveway and sidewalk/steps for free. No one needs to know it's your first gig. Everyone feels good, and you get free exposure and experience. I'm sure...
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    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @mo3b I would say there's more failed e-commerce businesses than failed carpenters. I'll never have Bezos money, but I'm not poor.
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    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @mo3b Fell into it from retail jobs. Seemed easier and more money.
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    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @anij34 I need that on a sign in my shop.
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    Signs on power line pole tips?

    @georgewaini You putting tungsten wires in your signs?
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    Business ideas

    @chestertonleddihn Pick one that fits your market and skills. Just do it. Do it well. Expand if you can.
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    Signs on power line pole tips?

    @georgewaini Wires are flexible
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    Help with name suggestions

    @valsaex The money is in service contracts. The big guys will do the initial install and try to push a monthly contract for service and upgrades. Most people don't need that and decline. After that, the big guys don't care. They're raking it in from Pajeet that runs 15 convenience stores with 8...
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    What I learned from roasting 200-300 websites' SEO/marketing/landing copy/etc

    @pwh1969 How does this help a single person trim carpenter that has more calls/emails/texts than he can physically do? Lolz, backlinks.
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    Small problem

    @rexiesf7 You live in the US? Ok credit score? Lowes has that new finance plan with $1 down payment plans. Sell one or two jobs and get the equipment, pay it off. Then leverage up to better equipment.