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    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @jrmikeg I work in enterprise software sales and have seen both sides of this coin. Better to set expectations and build in tandem with them
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    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @khan1123 IMO the advice in this thread is bad if you’re doing B2B. It’s ok to say things are roadmap and ask them how they value things but if you’re taking money and then building it (and don’t fulfill the promise) you’re in trouble.
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    Filtering out "Idea Guys", even if they have done some research

    @christianmusthaves Imo- a cofounder is someone you can give your debit card with the pin written on the back of it, and come back and have all of your money in the account a cofounder is someone who has the same drive as you, if not more, and compliments your skill set a cofounder is someone...
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    B2B SaaS teams - how did you price

    @devanjames Need more detail but I do b2b SaaS sales. Most deal sizes are minimum 4 figures but it differs from SMB, MM, and enterprise. What problem do you solve? Is it a nice to have or need to have? What executives need to be involved to purchase? Is it a bottom up sale or top down? What’s...