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    The danger with convertible notes

    @runge12 Thanks for the experience. I agree it would be better to prepare for the 'medium' outcome. I would not be surprised if this is more frequent than the classical 'full speed' success.
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    Open Lowcode - a rapid application development framework for enterprise software

    @613jono Thanks for the comment about the branding. If you want to test the tool, do not hesitate to register for the private beta.
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    Open Lowcode - a rapid application development framework for enterprise software

    The product Open Lowcode is a rapid application development framework (aka low-code) for enterprise software. It allows a developer to quickly develop 90% of an application using pre-built modules at a far greater speed than alternatives. You could have a working application after 2 afternoon...
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    Roast my startup - Open Lowcode - The next step when a spreadsheet is not enough

    @bkuc9810 Do you mean javafx is substandard ? To be honest, this is the part of the architecture I am the most in two minds about, but all alternatives have issues. Here is the rationale: I need the software to work well with limited networks, be fast (target time for loading a simple page is...
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    Roast my startup - Open Lowcode - The next step when a spreadsheet is not enough

    @magda0316 Hi, I really appreciate your comments. Here are my current thoughts on the points you raise: Monetizing open-source : I am not worried about this one. First, I enjoy running operations super-lean, so I am expecting my needs to be limited. Also, when the platform gets adoption, I...
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    Roast my startup - Open Lowcode - The next step when a spreadsheet is not enough

    Open Lowcode is a solution for rapid development of specific enterprise software. With Open Lowcode, you can develop quickly specific software by assembling pre-existing software bricks to your exact requirements. In a few hours or at most a few days of work, you get a real multi-user...