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    Startup Startup - The platform connecting talent to build amazing startup teams

    @jezza1 Like any matchmaking services, I'd list teams formed, matches made. Some indication the site has more than three users.
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    [Feedback] Website not generating much interest - are there red flags?

    @hariwahyudi Information Foraging: Why Google Makes People Leave Your Site Faster
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    [Feedback] Website not generating much interest - are there red flags?

    @hariwahyudi One. Go through the complete order process and make sure it is possible for a user to purchase. Two. If people can give you money but are not giving you money -- take a hint. These planters seem styled for your home; should one live in a Stalinesque styled housing complex...
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    3 years in, slow growth but I believe.

    @stonney66 But of course, I've known those who were months away for years.
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    3 years in, slow growth but I believe.

    @stonney66 Let me be clear on one trifling detail. When you're using the term 'burn rate' that is scaling to run away from facts. What people won't understand about belief is -- when you're selling your worldly belongings -- that's not always a sign of transcendent asscention. Yes. I know you...
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    Bring it on people, roast us to a crisp

    @jennygeddes W ...T ...F-ing F. This really sets the guillotine stage. You know I hated you before you made me click and now, not falling in love here. You have to admire the chutzpah. Click. And fuck me sideways. PDF. And A carousel. Both are absolute no-nos on opposite sides of the...
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    SuperAnimo - THE FUTURE of MEMES, create cartoons, gifs, and silly mashups

    @bornagain69 This is the most accurate deconstruction of meme culture I've ever read. I would have picked age level 14, but tomato/tomahto. Good they weren't ten paying customers, the internet's perfect record was in jeopardy. Kudos for restraining yourself from calling them an audience...
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    Should I abandon my current business to work with someone else on theirs?

    @tamraho I don't really know without more information, but my suggestion would be to keep your location open and running as the pilot and test for the franchise template. You really want several rounds of iteration -- refining both efficiency and effectiveness -- before going all out on...
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    FireFuel- a weekend retreat to address the personal and professional development needs of young professionals

    @evag Well. I'd expect around one hundred percent develop into adults after ten years. Mad skills. If so, there's only one way: Evidence. Case history. As a 'pro' with ten years under your belt -- this should be self-evident. Results. Ditch the 'youth development' for something that seems...
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    FlowTree: Dynamic personal task coach to maximize your value output

    @armando23 Relating the app to the user's problems or life doesn't seem to rank too highly. I'd try changing focus to use. Copy seems pretty feature centric and benefit weak. There isn't any proof of claims, like a case history. And this field makes a lot of claims without proof to back it up...
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    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    @justbadcode Is one hundred million years too long to wait?
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    Should I join my family business?

    @annshe A lot of the answer lies within family dynamics nobody else is privy to. I'd suggest now is the time to get with family members and see what they advise -- rather than unveil some plan they had no part in and no prior knowledge of. The way to become sure you can (or can not) work with...
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    A app that aims to replace addressbooks/invite pages

    @ncnctv Trying to click through yields a blank page. It's no matter, because this seems to be a purely technical solution to a human factors interaction design problem. Typical. But ineffective. If there ever was a developer who, say, implemented the invitation design of fifteen of the...
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    Lead Generation Q and A

    @donlor I'm sure they will copy and paste your post rather than making something up. Thanks a bunch.
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    Lead Generation Q and A

    @blessed2day As you may know, the lead generation industry is rife with, well ...let's call it shoddy work, poor methodology, and assorted not nice things. How do you and/or your partner score lead quality? Care to explain a little about your methodology?
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    Performance Rotor Start Up

    @scootydash From this I think who and their buddy didn't. (I'm counting pets tho). That doesn't sound sketchy. I'll trust my life and limb to anyone who says "high performance" in a sincere tone. Redneck high performance parachute packing? You got me. Yet the concept of high performance...
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    1 month update: I'm 30 and starting my first business

    @newberrycelia When I click About Us, I do not expect the page Why the hell an audit. That's not just an error. That can signal you're being evasive about your backgrounds and undermines your authority, hence the perceived value of the advice. Given zero clients, that raises far too many...
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    1 month update: I'm 30 and starting my first business

    @newberrycelia Not surprising. Although I applaud the lack of vapid eye candy, there is no attempt at making the content more informative or even worth reading. If you have component services post the list. Don't force me to invest another click when the first one didn't work out too well. I...