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    Only 10 sales in 9 months on e-commerce store. What am doing wrong?

    @beksem Fair enough.
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    Only 10 sales in 9 months on e-commerce store. What am doing wrong?

    @benjaminpatterson What, exactly, is the difference between loose leaf tea for gamers and loose leaf tea for everyone else? Is this your own blends or are just rebranding generic tea?
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    Shop workers theft prevention options?

    @orthodoxokie Just let them keep all the money but charge them a fee to use your shop and chair. I think a lot of hairdressers work that way. The hairdresser keeps all the money but has to rent the chair from the owner.
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    Only 10 sales in 9 months on e-commerce store. What am doing wrong?

    @benjaminpatterson I think you should rebrand. 8bit is retro gaming, not fantasy like dnd. If you want to stick to fantasy, you should do an Autumn Twilight blend with like cinnamon, a Winter Night blend with peppermint or something, and a Spring Dawning blend with maybe green tea with ginseng...