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  1. J

    Best Way to Find Clients for House Painting

    @stevent2323 Find handymen who don't like painting and take gigs from them. Keep in mind that some clients like to sacrifice some aesthetic details for cost savings, while others want things perfect, and this can cause a huge difference in price. If people want things to look really nice, I...
  2. J

    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    @juliussneezer For the first couple years at least, there's a lot of pressure to tackle your to-do list every waking moment, and you're basically "on call" all the time. It can be stressful and you'll encounter decision-making fatigue at some point. If you delegate and scale properly though, a...
  3. J

    This sub truly changed my life

    @saveme7777 Sounds like you're doing the right stuff. It's okay to undersell a little to get your feet wet, just don't let anyone get hooked on those prices, it can be really hard to tear yourself away when you agree to keep helping someone out too many times, just because you want to skip the...
  4. J

    This sub truly changed my life

    @saveme7777 I'm glad you're feeling so good about it! At this point, you'll need to make sure you're asking for enough money, make sure you're delegating the tasks you should, and attending to the customers that are good for you. Failing to do any of these things for the next 12 months...