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    50 Books for Startuppers this Xmas (No links just titles / authors)

    @jacquiluvsjesus Yo - yeah good pick - I've just added it to my list alongside Ryan Holiday's "Ego is the Enemy" :)
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    50 Books for Startuppers this Xmas (No links just titles / authors)

    @jesselynn Hey :) The list grows naturally throughout the year, but the general theme for me is mindset, leadership, life-hacks, entrepreneurship, science and programming. My general process is to try to read as much material as possible that will have the greatest impact on my day-to-day life...
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    50 Books for Startuppers this Xmas (No links just titles / authors)

    @neochris Oh yeah nice pick - I read it earlier this year and I thought it was great, although NNT is insufferably pretentious at times :) I guess that happens when you're smarter than literally everyone haha
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    50 Books for Startuppers this Xmas (No links just titles / authors)

    @fair2light Hey - I haven't heard of Little Bets, I'll have to check that out :) I've got Hard Things..etc on my shelf, and I've started it twice but every time I think "I'm not ready to read this yet". Hopefully it won't be too long before I actually need the advice :)
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    50 Books for Startuppers this Xmas (No links just titles / authors)

    @alertandawake Thanks dude :) Art of the Start is one of the very first startup books I read years and years ago, and my main takeaway was that Guy Kawasaki calls everyone bozo. Lol. The Lean Startup is a classic for sure, and I'd also put Steve Blank's The 4 Steps to the Epiphany up...
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    50 Books for Startuppers this Xmas (No links just titles / authors)

    @nicole351 Ah thanks :) Yeah I'm a sucker for reading lists. If I was to choose just 5 from the list to read first I'd choose: Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor - Tren Griffin (because he's a genius & Warren Buffet's right-hand man) Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take...
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    50 Books for Startuppers this Xmas (No links just titles / authors)

    Since it's almost Xmas & we're either buying gifts or telling loved ones what we'd like, I thought I'd share a list of books that are on my list this year. Just titles / authors. Life Hacks & Mindset Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success - Shane Snow Mindset: The New...