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  1. S

    AMA about PMF / Product Discovery (10+ YoE in Product Management)

    @cantonboy I'm so glad it could be helpful! It's hard to provide a comment that's truly helpful when it's done online and I don't know much about y'all, but so glad that it was helpful. And thanks so much for the offer to try out the product. I made a landing page so far...
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    Tip: Ship Fast & Learn FASTER than MVPs

    @lucyt25 Totally. I spent a decade in big tech product, and now that I'm in the indie hacker / solopreneur world, I'm learning to filter what I learned down to the essentials of what a solopreneur needs to know (and execute). Because solopreneurs don't have teams of designers, data analysts...
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    AMA about PMF / Product Discovery (10+ YoE in Product Management)

    @cantonboy well first off, I think your checklist is quite comprehensive! A minor adjustment I'd make is to add "Clear problem / want" - because a user could be equally willing to pay to solve a problem, or give them something they want. For instance, if I'm in a desert and want water, I'd...
  4. S

    AMA about PMF / Product Discovery (10+ YoE in Product Management)

    @cantonboy Thanks for commenting - just wanna let you know I saw it and will reply in more detail later!
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    Tip: Ship Fast & Learn FASTER than MVPs

    @lucyt25 lol i had to take do a double take at your reply lolllll Thanks for the comment. There are those that want a clear answer - that's why there's such love for "let's see the data." Well, with startups, and especially w/ startups, there's no data! lol I first encountered this when I...
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    AMA about PMF / Product Discovery (10+ YoE in Product Management)

    If you have questions around product discovery / product management / PMF, I'll do my best to answer them. And if I don't know, someone in this thread may help. My background: 10+ years in various product roles (PM, Director, Head of Product...) across tech companies / startups in Boston &...
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    Tip: Ship Fast & Learn FASTER than MVPs

    As a PM working at SaaS companies in the US, I used to think that the fastest way of validating a concept was through an MVP (minimum viable product). At my past companies, it'd take about 4 to 6 weeks to ship an MVP (initial research, PRD, code, QA, ship, post-ship analysis). But a few years...
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    Tip: Ship Fast & Learn FASTER than MVPs

    As a PM working at tech companies in the US, I used to think that the fastest way of validating a concept was through an MVP (minimum viable product). At my past companies, it'd take about 4 to 6 weeks to ship an MVP (initial research, PRD, code, QA, ship, post-ship analysis). But a few...