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  1. N

    cold email setup steps

    @openwindow2 Did you do the setup steps + warmup? How much are you paying easy?
  2. N

    cold email setup steps

    @davecalifornia Yes, 50/day/inbox until you have built up reputation.
  3. N

    cold email setup steps

    @erik111 The recommended warmup time is 2 weeks and then you should be good to go. I've used to check deliverability.
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    cold email setup steps

    @patrick963 Cool, please keep me posted!
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    cold email setup steps

    @patrick963 Are you saying salesforge provides inboxes for $3/mo? Does it have the same reputation as google inboxes? I read somewhere that not all mailboxes / smtps are the same.
  6. N

    cold email setup steps

    I'm working on a project and trying to get customers before building the product. I've started doing cold emails in the last month and here is what I've learned: Do not use your real domain to send emails - go to namecheap and buy a lookalike domain for $10 (or more if you want to scale). In...