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  1. P - user to user chat for any SaaS

    @amandal Great roast! You are certainly not alone, a couple of clients mentioned that it's kind of difficult to remember. Maqpie is coming from Magpie (a bird, which you can see on our logo and favicon). We pronounce it as Ma-kew-pee.
  2. P - user to user chat for any SaaS

    @joey1234 Great roast! You get the idea right. Maqpie is not for everyone for sure. For some companies Slack makes a lot of sense, but not for all. There are a few reasons why you would prefer chat within SaaS vs external tool like Slack: Context. You can discuss things, related to the...
  3. P - user to user chat for any SaaS

    @joey1234 Thank you for your reply - it is really valuable. I just added a Case study section to original post. Let me know if it is more clear now.
  4. P - user to user chat for any SaaS

    The product: Maqpie - user to user chat that can be added to any SaaS app in under 10 minutes to enable efficient communication and improve user retention. Mapqie brings a chat to your app without development at all. Think Slack within your app. One-to-one, group conversations, emojis, file...