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  1. G

    Is starting your own business solo worth it? Is it difficult? I have questions about your experiences

    @ihave10descendants That’s like the total failure rate of all businesses. A sole proprietor service business has far less overhead than most businesses. I think OP’s odds are good if they have the right personality for it.
  2. G

    Is starting your own business solo worth it? Is it difficult? I have questions about your experiences

    @juliussneezer I think it all depends. I knew when I started my business (solo - so far - cleaning business, started Aug 2021) that I didn't want to quit my existing part time job. I knew I didn't want to do the physical labor of cleaning full time, and I stand by that decision wholeheartedly. I...
  3. G

    Starting a trades business but sub contractors do the work?

    @velaut Nah fam, most successful business people learn their business before they grow. I don't have much appreciation for the "build a landing page and underpay contractors to do the work for you" approach some here so adore.
  4. G

    Starting a trades business but sub contractors do the work?

    @velaut Is this sub all about being the middleman?
  5. G

    How/when to know to drop a project? Rude, disrespectful client - but only client

    @mignonvds Ooph, tough call with that kind of money on the table. My own policy (brand new business) is I don't deal with difficult people. I cut them loose as quickly as possible. But my clients are each small accounts that won't break me.
  6. G

    I am burnout. I dont know how should i tackle these problems?

    @epilla You have choices, explore them.
  7. G

    I am burnout. I dont know how should i tackle these problems?

    @gne5 Or downsize the whole operation.