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  1. G

    why is VC ghosting so common and is it intentional?

    @wickedwoman I completely agree with this perspective, everyone is busy and has to juggle comms. Why are they any different?
  2. G

    continue meeting VCs or build?

    @butrflys78 I think it is an unnecessary amount of capital and would dilute our equity too much. Ideally we need three engineers with 18 months of runway for them.
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    continue meeting VCs or build?

    @onlycurious This is completely fair. I'm just a little worried that we are going to be so desperate for capital at that point in time we will need to take any dollars that come our way (and that's if they do)
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    continue meeting VCs or build?

    @sursh123 I agree, we are building an incredibly simple cloud abstraction. These tools already exist but adoption is low because of poor business models and most are still prohibitively complex compared to us. But over the next 6-18 months the other abstractions will reach simplicity parity with...
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    continue meeting VCs or build?

    @lillian2014 Sorry, we never actually rejected a $2M check. We mutually agreed that it was too much capital for such an early stage business.
  6. G

    why is VC ghosting so common and is it intentional?

    Hey YC community, I'd love to hear from some people who have worked on the venture side of things. I'm currently in the process of raising a pre-seed round and I've met with about 30 firms. At the moment I'm in 2nd/3rd round discussions with 8 of the firms. I'd also like to add that I've worked...
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    continue meeting VCs or build?

    Also, my expectation is we are going to have to meet with 30-40 investors before we get an investment. We are building in the infrastructure space and many generalists don't know that market well enough to feel comfortable investing.
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    continue meeting VCs or build?

    @thewordgirl What additional information would you like to know, happy to answer. The debate we are having internally is if we go heads down on development for 2-3 months will we have a fully functioning product with traction? Which would lead to us hitting traction metrics that a few VCs have...
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    continue meeting VCs or build?

    Hello YC Community, I'm a Co-Founder of a Developer Tool startup and I'm looking for some situational advice. Just to set the stage we went live with a product 7 months ago, had a couple hundred people try out the product, and got ~65 people to really use the tool in a consistent manner for...
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    my options after getting a post interview rejection email..

    @remnant72 Definitely, what are some of the top ones you'd recommend? I think we are a month or two away from raising a pre-seed so that is why I've been a little hesitant applying to accelerators (outside of YC because prestige, experience, and $500k)
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    my options after getting a post interview rejection email..

    @wonderingwanderer Yeah not going to lie I felt like I projected a ton of nervous energy during the interview and was very worried about the outcome haha. Luckily we got on!
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    my options after getting a post interview rejection email..

    @wonderingwanderer Start was basic intro (who we are and team member skills) then the rest of the interview was classic YC style. Fast pace questions
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    my options after getting a post interview rejection email..

    @flissy We got lucky, my roommates and I created a few basic websites for different ideas we had. Pioneer came inbound and asked us to chat regarding our cluster compute idea (Burla). The process was pretty painless 1) Initial 15 minute due diligence 2) Additional 30 minute call with a partner...
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    my options after getting a post interview rejection email..

    @sloanep Incredibly simple cluster compute software for python developers. The link is on my profile (not trying to have the mods take this post down because I'm tossing links in here)
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    my options after getting a post interview rejection email..

    @waynemorss Thank you for the feedback, I really like the idea of blending options #A and #C! The partner feedback we got seemed a little off base, they were concerned about our drop-off in users and us being hesitant to charge for the product in it's current state. I personally felt like we...
  16. G

    my options after getting a post interview rejection email..

    How would you navigate my business's current situation? 1) got into an accelerator called Pioneer in July. Didn't have a product when we started. Three cofounders that are all roommates. We used the angel investment to have our best dev go fulltime. 2) Have made steady progress and have had a...