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  1. A

    0 to 1,000 users in 25 days - Lean Growth Hacks for a SaaS startup

    @starburst3316 Absolutely. This is true to the core. Our product did go through multiple iterations of customer feedback and product improvements before we launched. Even post-launch feedback was very important for us and we are still improving our product to make it more customer friendly :)
  2. A

    0 to 1,000 users in 25 days - Lean Growth Hacks for a SaaS startup

    Our SaaS tool was built with the idea of making software product development more developer friendly through better UI/UX and better performance. The tool was a direct competition of established Atlassian products, so competing against them by bidding higher on google adwords or facebook ads was...
  3. A

    3,914 impressions, but 0 sales! Asking for a friend 😢

    @sm412 Well, the thing is that nobody cares that you've launched a company on your birthday. Your potential customers don't care what's happening in your life. They care about their lives. And as far as I can see you don't talk about the customer in the opening lines. You talk about your...