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  1. D

    What are the conversion rates for SaaS? Examples

    @xthemessengerx Hi, I've got more than 10k/ mo and I agree you need some volume to make sense from your data. As chatting with other guys, I now lean more to agreeing that these conversion numbers are just... numbers. It all depends on your business, CPC, costs, margins etc. Maybe the...
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    What are the conversion rates for SaaS? Examples

    @matteus Great point, do you focus on any particular conversion metric or rather more on around costs of acquiring customer with final profit?
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    What are the conversion rates for SaaS? Examples

    @joyfulanyway ok, you got me there! This is a good point about the ICP and generic traffic conversions, as someday it might be very high or very low. This actually brings maybe another topic to light - what to pursue to make your business "healthy". So that you don't spin your wheels by...
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    What are the conversion rates for SaaS? Examples

    I've been trying to figure out if our conversion are ok, or if we should work on optimizing them. The main conversions are: - From Visitor to User - From User to Paid User - Churn (Paid to Cancel) Here is what I got from chatGPT and more or less, it's what Google says: Stage Good Conversion...