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    ChatGPT for your data wharehouse

    @mike25 Yes, but only one in the word. The second one is in my brain. I need to work less...
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    ChatGPT for your data wharehouse

    @youthgroupgames There's a lot of nuances especially security wise since you don't want to share a lot of details with openai. DMed you!
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    ChatGPT for your data wharehouse

    Idk why there're downvotes but just in case will put it here for full transparency: there's a free account you can create with a test database to play around.
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    ChatGPT for your data wharehouse

    @mamafye Langchain have their own text-to-sql agent but unfortunately it's not great at all. So it took a while to get this to work. I'll dm you!
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    ChatGPT for your data wharehouse

    Hey everyone! We spent a year working on an assistant that lives on top of your data warehouse and can answer questions about the data inside. You just connect your database and then ask the bot anything you want. The AI can write and execute SQL queries for you, draw charts and suggest what...