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  1. F

    I almost f**ked up my life by quitting my day job for my startup

    @neodude Yc is the exception, but it sits way above the rest which is why is so difficult to get there.
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    I almost f**ked up my life by quitting my day job for my startup

    @neodude They do but they take solo founders anyway, yc took dropbox among others Still I don't recommend going through an accelerator, most are crap run by opportunists who have no idea what they doing.
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    I almost f**ked up my life by quitting my day job for my startup

    @jaminko How about going solo next time? you think you can do it?
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    I almost f**ked up my life by quitting my day job for my startup

    @jaminko This happens too often, which is why I recommend most people try to go solo if possible You don't always need a cofounder, in fact I remember someone in this sub linking to a study that said the fail rate for startups with cofounders was higher than single-founder startups