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    E&Y, Pitchbook, and others forecast a 40% decline in VC investing

    @vical The important thing is to define a key figure that will tell us if we are on the right track, and do not lie to ourselves by saying that things will improve by magic. For our last 5 SaaS ventures, my co-founder and I agreed to have at least $100K in pre-sales and $500K in ARR during the...
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    E&Y, Pitchbook, and others forecast a 40% decline in VC investing

    @subcdedenoc1980 Agree. And regardless of your core value proposition, include the CFO as a target persona. If the CFO does not see the value, the purchase will likely not be approved.
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    E&Y, Pitchbook, and others forecast a 40% decline in VC investing

    VC and Angel funding will decline by 40% in 2023, resulting in a net decline of $80B available to startups. This will create a more competitive and selective environment for new capital, and M&A activity will have a high bar. Startups should focus on business fundamentals, financial health, and...