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    Construction Company Owners - Product Validation

    @albert05 Thanks, I will definitely look into it, I appreciate the feedback!
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    Construction Company Owners - Product Validation

    @albert05 We’re less than 10 people altogether, but I’ve already built a solution that works for us so we wouldn’t be looking to adopt another software. However, in order to scale what we’ve built and get it ready to launch for others, we would need to hire devs to build it out a bit...
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    Construction Company Owners - Product Validation

    @albert05 I doubt we would qualify since we are a pretty small shop, but I was thinking of doing this not only to solve our problem, but more so that other companies would be able to solve the same problem, and I wanted to validate whether this would make sense to invest more money into it...
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    Construction Company Owners - Product Validation

    @follower3 Yeah jobber is very similar to what we’d be looking to develop, but our USP is that we’d be customizing the software to fit the company’s individual needs, kind of like how salesforce can be customized for each company
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    Construction Company Owners - Product Validation

    Hi all, I’ve been working in the construction industry for many years and currently own a security company. We’ve had several challenges with finding a single software solution that solves most of the problems we face, and I believe a lot of other owners of specialty trade companies face...