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  1. L

    Hacker hijacked my website?

    @lostandfoundinmaine Thanks. Will do. Although I think their email and name are fake so it'll probably go nowhere.
  2. L

    Hacker hijacked my website?

    @hannahjb Thanks will do.
  3. L

    Hacker hijacked my website?

    @ckfadden That's funny that the scammer doesn't even check whether you have a website or not.
  4. L

    Hacker hijacked my website?

    @jewelllo Agreed!
  5. L

    Hacker hijacked my website?

    Hi, I got the following message. This looks awfully suspicious to be a spam/scam, but wanted to get other people's opinion on it. Perhaps give you a giggle or a smile. lol Let me know what you guys think. Your Site Has Been Hacked PLEASE FORWARD THiS EMAiL TO SOMEONE iN YOUR COMPANY WHO iS...