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    Roast my chrome extension that adds a chat interface to your netflix and allows you to chat with millions of characters

    @markotwain That BS. If Scarlett Johansson is able to force open AI to shut down a voice that kind of resembles her but not really then this is going to be a much bigger legal issue.
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    Roast my chrome extension that adds a chat interface to your netflix and allows you to chat with millions of characters

    @markotwain You do understand that for the LLM to be able to take these personas, it has to consume proprietary content that would be illegal for it to digest this way, correct? You're effectively advocating for a business model based on theft of intellectual property in violation of licensing...
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    LinkedIn withdraws CSV upload method; there's still a workaround! [LinkedIn's Official Response]

    @belaya_zvezda Their opinion matters. And anybody doing this will lose their account. Thats direct from them. This is not something that LinkedIn wants people doing.
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    LinkedIn withdraws CSV upload method; there's still a workaround! [LinkedIn's Official Response]

    @belaya_zvezda I’m never going to tell you that. They don’t deserve to be harassed because of their job and I’m not going to be giving out information on who they are or where they work anymore, because I don’t want random people on the Internet harassing them.
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    LinkedIn withdraws CSV upload method; there's still a workaround! [LinkedIn's Official Response]

    @belaya_zvezda Be warned: people will hate you if you do this, and Linkedin will remove your accounts if they catch you. This is directly from a friend of mine at LinkedIn, who says they consider this work around abuse, so I'm only warning you all once. Don't do it.
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    Seeking Brutal Feedback: AI Job-Specific Readiness Planner/Course - Tear Apart My Web App Idea :)

    @vanquy3009 That's the worst way to validate ideas. Right now, you're just trying to trend follow and leverage other people's work instead of doing the work yourself. It's clear to me you haven't even really followed any sort of process for this and that is your problem. Go get a business...
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    Seeking Brutal Feedback: AI Job-Specific Readiness Planner/Course - Tear Apart My Web App Idea :)

    @vanquy3009 Linkedin is literally suing people for trying to scrape data because it's not considered legal in many jurisdictions to do that. That's why they're moving everything behind a login wall, so that you have to accept the terms of service that says you're not allowed to do this. Don't...
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    Hey Folks, our product SpeedLegal is launching on Product Hunt in less than 24 hours 🚀

    @bigdawg So to be clear, you're practicing law without a license to do so, while not being a part of a state's bar association? And your selling that illegal service to others while claiming its ok when its very illegal?