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  1. J

    I’m wondering if I’m throwing away my career by diving into my passion project. Has anyone been here before?

    @strawberry0034 how big a deal is debt-to-income ratio? asking for a friend who did the idiotic thing of getting a master’s degree 🙃
  2. J

    I’m wondering if I’m throwing away my career by diving into my passion project. Has anyone been here before?

    @christyanthony913 so I’m laid off too, is the thing…
  3. J

    I’m wondering if I’m throwing away my career by diving into my passion project. Has anyone been here before?

    Pretty much what the title says. I have some savings tucked away and about 3 more months of severance before I gotta figure my shit out. I live in a HCOL area with my fiancée and my industry is absolutely silly with layoffs right now, so it’s a feeding frenzy for jobs. My biggest hurdle is a...