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  1. G

    Reddit India is Untapped Market ?

    @frederickmilles I'll dm in some time
  2. G

    Reddit India is Untapped Market ?

    @jordansgotfaith I don't mean everyone but after spending some time on singularity and futurology sub I felt they're jus lazy asses who wants ai to do all the work and they get free money kind a like communism Bill gates promotes better and predicts more productivity and wlb with ai rather...
  3. G

    Reddit India is Untapped Market ?

    @tmb Tried to do? They did it But my idea doesn't require api integration
  4. G

    Reddit India is Untapped Market ?

    @tmb Would definitely agree that Reddit users are generally left leaning but it's not quite the same with student/gaming and the fashion subs
  5. G

    Reddit India is Untapped Market ?

    I have few(9-10) start up ideas based on Indian Subreddits alone which I think after extensive conservative research feel that it could generate 0.5-1Million UsD in Revenue Especially with student subs like Jeeneetards and Indianmedicalschool, also Bollywood Gossip subs are extremely active...