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  1. N

    I’m a sole proprietorship and got hit with a $1300 tax notice for not filing a WT-7, was I supposed to fill one out?

    @crevice State probably doesn’t know u have employees, so they charge you minimum unemployment insurance tax distribution amount, if you call them they will give you waiver form stating that if you laid off, you are ineligible for unemployment insurance . Just sign it and you should be good to go!
  2. N

    Should we just shut down?

    @neilc You are fine, you need to learn from your past projects what clients were looking for vs what is the market requirements? Technology changes faster than software developers can keep up!!!
  3. N

    Best expense tracking software/app for both business and personal

    @shilva Question is how much you are willing to pay per month? And I don’t think anyone will do it for 20/month