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  1. T

    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    @graceseeker164 Thanks for the comment! this is definitely help towards identifying our target audience - few questions fro you: 1) what is your age range & what do you do for a living (don't need the specifics)? 2) how do you feel about buying second hand clothing - such as goodwill or more...
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    Thank you for your comment - type B person rents the clothes, this doesn't generally mean that they have absolutely no clothes of their own. But for 7 or 14 days they have items that they previously did not own or are unable to afford outright and they can wear it as much as they want during...
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    @beldog Thank you so much! your input is so appreciated. If you don't mind me asking two questions: 1) what is your age range & what do you do for a living (don't need the specifics)? 2) how do you feel about buying second hand clothing - such as goodwill or more trendy Plato's Closet...
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    @beldog Is this a service you could see yourself using, either as Type A person (Leaser) or Type B person (Renter) or both?
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    @beldog Thank you again for all the insightful input - I'm liking I. please if you see any other problems or suggestions, please don't hesitate to comment again
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    @beldog Thank you for your comment - you as Type A person, all you have to do is select the individual items from your closet that you want to rent out. You would take a picture of your item and upload it, size and make, print a repaid shipping label and send the item(s) to us. We would connect...
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    @crazysis Thank you so much! your input is so appreciated. If you don't mind me asking two questions: 1) what is your age range & what do you do for a living (don't need the specifics)? 2) how do you feel about buying second hand clothing - such as goodwill or more trendy Plato's Closet...
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    @crazysis Thank you for your comment - type B person rents the clothes, this doesn't generally mean that they have absolutely no clothes of their own. But for 7 or 14 days they have items that they previously did not own or are unable to afford outright and they can wear it as much as they want...
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    THIS IS JUST AN IDEA I want to disrupt the clothing retail industry more than ecommerce and online shopping has already. I want to bring the Sharing economy or some call it the peer to peer economy into the clothing retail space, such as how Uber has totally disrupted the taxi transportation...