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  1. Q

    Build a company you can run for the rest of your life

    @matt2saccount $49 lifetime Ya r/mintuit has been really active since the shutdown. I’m sure many users have migrated already.
  2. Q

    Build a company you can run for the rest of your life

    @matt2saccount That is the goal actually. I started with investments because that was a more pressing problem for me. Data quality was a harder problem than I expected. Here’s what the networth and investments side looks like Happy to turn it on for you if you send...
  3. Q

    Build a company you can run for the rest of your life

    @matt2saccount Ya working in plaid integration. That parts not hard, but would require a subscription then. My plan is to let people bring their own keys or pay for just what they use.
  4. Q

    Build a company you can run for the rest of your life

    @manga006 I’m also in love with this idea. I enjoy writing software, and more broadly, incrementally improving rather than chasing a new shiny trend. I’m about a year in building a personal finance tracker that I’ve both enjoyed building and using, but realistic that this is a hobby rather than...