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  1. L

    Need some growth hacking advice here :)

    @dcwalker Thanks @dcwalker for this great comment ! I agree with you on the fact that growth hacks can be physical as well as digital and it looks like this would be a perfect approach for this app which is meant to be used on the field :) Talking about suggesting things to user on the...
  2. L

    Need some growth hacking advice here :)

    @ybounasre Thanks a lot @ybounasre for your comment :) I indeed sent press releases to newspaper in the Netherlands and also to tech and travel blogs. I hope to be featured in a few of them asap.
  3. L

    Need some growth hacking advice here :)

    Hi all, I'm Mehdi, 26yo, software engineer and I've spent all my spare time during the past year to build Meli, a Monument scanner & Digital travel guide app, now available on Android and iOS :) The objective was to help travelers explore their destinations freely without having to prepare...