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  1. E

    How we grew our newsletter to $125 MRR and 300+ subscribers before we even launched

    @twointwomillion Appreciate the compliments! Here's what I got for ya: It's built on Webflow. They are an up-and-coming website builder. Granted, it's made for designers, so it's not super easy to plug-and-play. I have fallen in love with them as I've gotten more comfortable with it, and I...
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    How we grew our newsletter to $125 MRR and 300+ subscribers before we even launched

    @elad55 That's odd - I'll send you a DM. Thanks for showing your interest though - puts a smile on my face!
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    How we grew our newsletter to $125 MRR and 300+ subscribers before we even launched

    @balu111 A lead magnet is something you give away that is of value in exchange for an email address. MRR = Monthly Recurring Revenue.
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    How we grew our newsletter to $125 MRR and 300+ subscribers before we even launched

    @vshock Just gonna keep it a buck fifty with ya - we're still figuring that out. :) Normally, once you figure out what marketing channels are working for you, you just scale up that channel. So even if you're spending money, as long as it's profitable, it shouldn't matter. SEO is a long-term...
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    How we grew our newsletter to $125 MRR and 300+ subscribers before we even launched

    @lesnock There are tons of tools out there. One of the bigger one's is Substack, but you can also get away with using Ghost as well. There are more solutions emerging every day it feels like haha. But, yes, we use Mailchimp for the time being. Probably going to move to a different platform in...
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    How we grew our newsletter to $125 MRR and 300+ subscribers before we even launched

    @b%E1%BA%A1ch0933 You're very welcome! Glad you found it valuable. I too think it's a cool idea ;)
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    How we grew our newsletter to $125 MRR and 300+ subscribers before we even launched

    @kowon Glad you found value in it! And, see you in the emails then. :) Actually sending one out today, so feel free to reply and start a convo if you're so inclined to. Best of luck!!
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    How we grew our newsletter to $125 MRR and 300+ subscribers before we even launched

    @mathwiz03 Appreciate the support. The whole reason I got into the newsletter business was that I found it fascinating as well, especially as a non-technical person. Give it a shot man. I've learned a lot in the process!
  9. E

    How we grew our newsletter to $125 MRR and 300+ subscribers before we even launched

    Hey everyone! I’m a long time lurker but decided to share some tips and tricks on how my co-founder and I grew our newsletter, Product Byte, to 300 subscribers and $125/mrr (5 paid members) before we even launched. 95% of what I’m sharing here happened between Sept. 1st, 2020 and Oct. 1st, 2020...