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  1. T

    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @taji783 We already have the two links you mentioned, i guess we can add the pricing in on of them Regarding the cv’s, since a lot of them are low - mid income workers, no one will take the time to write up something during registration. We will just lose them and they wont sign up. This is in...
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @taji783 Thanks for your feedback. So are you suggesting we add a Pricing page on the homepage so its viewable for everyone before signup? (I just hope job seekers dont think its pricing for them) Regarding your advice: Currently i dont have a template that job seekers fill out for their CV...
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @anamcara I have asked the companies who used our platform and no1 complained about the price .. they were all ok with it and didnt find it expensive at all, especially when these companies are used to paying one or two months salary worth of their hired employee to the Recruitment Agency they...
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @enoch27 My business model is too complicated ? Or the idea of the business ?
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @jacke71 Its a pretty simple to sign up, ive dumbed it down a lot .. literally company name, then logo, where they are located and what entity they are (hotel or restaurant or coffee house or distributor etc..) I just dont think the region im marketing in understands the concept, its a bit too...
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @jacke71 Oh nice okay, yea i see that type of business model on so many websites. So how would i freemium my website? Isnt it freemium already with the monthly free package? Or is that just considered free with out the mium lol
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @jacke71 Sorry what does freemium model mean ?
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @buckeye_momof4 Okay thank you for this .. So ill look into Indeed / Monster pricing a bit more, although I’ve already seen them in the past. So you suggest I charge per job post and have unlimited CV’s for everyone? (If thats what i understood correctly) So simplify the pricing .. no need to...
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @buckeye_momof4 Wow this is so far the best advice ive read thank you. Regarding your point #1, youre right 100% Point #2: But how can i charge after they use my service? Does this point tag along with point #3, so i should just change my model from monthly to yearly? Point #3: I like that...
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @truthbeliever7 I have to admit i like your idea, but this will require recoding on the block chain - and not sure my coders have experience with blockchain .. though its def an idea that can be done down the line
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @truthbeliever7 So wait, just so i understand .. are you saying charge the job seeker a monthly or yearly rate and keep the companies free of charge and post unlimited jobs? If thats the case, why would job seekers pay and how would they pay? Most of them dont have Credit Cards as they are low...
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @jacke71 Will do 👍
  13. T

    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @jacke71 Yea i agree 3K is nothing, and will continue to push but for me to reach 100K i gotta spend much more on marketing, so theres the financial limitation too. But i like your idea of focusing on a specific area and building from there, seems very logical - regarding the email to...
  14. T

    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @definedbytruth Okay thank you, thats an interesting one. I’ve already gotten feedback from the companies saying our UX/UI is very good and simple to use and our pricing is def affordable. But my problem is getting companies onboard, like you cant see the pricing unless you register - so why...
  15. T

    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @martalookingforanswers Yea i agree there is high turnover in this industry .. truthfully currently i dont have the quantity of candidates (hopefully i will in the future) and i dont have like high end tech behind my platform .. its a simple platform. Also another main thing i forgot to...
  16. T

    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @eider Thank you for your comment, def insightful. There is a major point i forgot to mention, which ill edit the post now and add it: Companies cannot see my pricing unless they register with us, they can only see that they can post for free with us once they register. So my problem is...
  17. T

    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @martalookingforanswers Well Indeed and Monster are huge, i cant even compare myself to them .. but i do specialize in the hospitality and f&b industries, i guess thats a USP. Regarding pricing, i agree with you that access to these CV’s could or couldnt be in your area, but you dont have to...
  18. T

    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    Not sure if this is gonna reach anyone, but might as well try. So I have an online startup business I launched back in January 2023, cannot mention the name as its against the rules in this subreddit so i do not promote my business. We’re a self service recruitment website specifically catered...