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  1. H

    [Advice] Working with a weird book concept. Advice?

    What about $7, GBP 5, EUR 6?
  2. H

    [Advice] Working with a weird book concept. Advice?

    @mrmajesty Thanks for the feedback. The reason the price is set at that, I was thinking about all the times I had to buy cards for people and figured if they can price their stuff at 8-9 GBP, why shouldn't I, but maybe that's just stupid thinking. I will play around with the prices! Thanks! :)
  3. H

    [Advice] Working with a weird book concept. Advice?

    Disclaimer: had this idea while high, didn't put in too much thought and have absolutely nothing riding on this. That being said, I have put a little bit of time in it and would like to see at least a tiny bit of sales at some point, so maybe you guys can help me with some marketing advice or...