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  1. N

    You need to do lifetime deals if you're just starting out

    @miles77 Oh my... It wasn't contest. You wrapped it nicely, but just forgot that there are also numbers behind. A lot of startups forgot about numbers. That's the only thing I wanted to point out.
  2. N

    You need to do lifetime deals if you're just starting out

    @miles77 That's just another assumption... I have vast experience with TLD from multiple companies and multiple different products. I sold mobile apps, ran a development agency, ran multiple SaaS's... and I even worked in B2G sales and TLD was kind of a necessary evil for us to offer due to how...
  3. N

    You need to do lifetime deals if you're just starting out

    @miles77 That's just an assumption. There is no reason why LTD users should be more loyal than happy users with subscription. And vice versa, there is no reason why LTD users should be a marketing machine. Of course, I expect that you don't have to review or make video to get lifetime deal. I...
  4. N

    You need to do lifetime deals if you're just starting out

    @miles77 Every SaaS entrepreuner should understand a few key metrics and their relations... Let's talk about a few of them: Churn (customer, revenue) ARPU & ARPPU LTV aka Customer lifetime value (calculated from ARPU/ARPPU and Churn) CAC aka Customer acquisition cost COGS aka Cost of goods and...