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  1. Y

    why is VC ghosting so common and is it intentional?

    @cristylynn83 Yep. Anyone who has time to spout random dumb shit is not nearly as busy as they like to pretend
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    why is VC ghosting so common and is it intentional?

    @thomidog Gotta say, this is a piss poor excuse. Lawyers deal with a shitload of emails and have incredible response times. IB/PE guys work insane hours because the job environment demands high intensity. Venture just seems to have a bad culture around it because it takes a long time to see if...
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    Why does Y Combinator invest with a Most Favored Nation clause?

    @delistuff Exactly this. YC switched from founder friendly pre-money SAFEs to incredibly investor-friendly post-money SAFEs with MFN clauses and spent months crowing about how much better this was for founders simply because it was more money. They made their brand and are now milking it for...
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    Setting up a European Subsidiary for a Delaware Company: best practices

    @ccallagh Generally, best to set up as 100% owned by your HQ day one. Doing yourself and transferring may incur unexpected headaches. get a lawyer consult to make sure you don’t screw up anything simple that could be a pain in the ass later get a local bookkeeping firm to make sure your...
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    Subscription model for airline travel

    @ganner I think you could build in more stability to the business model by offering tiered pricing based on the number of flights per month/year. It would make customers value shop to try to get the best flight deals free while limited the potential for super high use customers that break the model.