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  1. K

    Got laid off 2mo ago, learned to code. 1st project with $204.61 revenue so far - Top portable monitors according to Redditors

    @rdavis0720 What's the difference between Replit and a no code tool like Bubble? Or same thing, basically?
  2. K

    Congrats to Jaspar, a r/ycombinator contributor and the founder of Artisan who just raised 7.3M

    @njones36159 1) Hiring competent salespeople isn't easy 2) Cold emailing, message testing, medium testing, cold calling, scripting, account research, proper list building isn't easy and then you also have to combine this with the fact that the seller is also supposed to be selling, creating...
  3. K

    Anyone know why YC/Garry Tan/ Paul Graham decided to side line Alexis Ohanian (co-founder of reddit)?

    @jesuspleasesaveme Why is Alexis trying to squash this beef publicly on Twitter? That's only adding fuel to the fire and not an effective way of handling a private beef.
  4. K

    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @futuretrainee Yw good luck :)
  5. K

    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @futuretrainee I'd say finding 10 quality contacts a day, putting them in a sequence, personalizing a bit, takes about 60 min of my time a day. I personally do it all myself but my CEO leverages a VA. We just recently got started but this is a typical outbound motion
  6. K

    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @futuretrainee I'm in a similar position. Here's what I've done and I'm happy to answer more specifics if this is of interest: 1) Created a rough draft ICP profile both in terms of company and person. 2) Once that was finalized, I created a few lead and account lists on LinkedIn Sales Nav...