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  1. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @gifty Very true, well in theory. I imagine the marketing side is a little more complicated haha
  2. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @james822 Nice. Guess Ecom builds are simpler than SaaS. What's your website btw?
  3. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @zvikisum Yeah those examples are maybe top tier, but still. Wow, that's a great MVP, nice work! For 5k that seems like great value, and much more inline with what I imagined an MVP of that scale costing.
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    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @zvikisum Sure. Few examples:,,, I look on their profiles to see how much their projects were. Nice, yeah I think with the rise of these Productized Design agencies I've been seeing devs wanting to do something similar. Got any...
  5. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @godsdaughter50 Nice! Is that an agency? or just building the apps for your own businesses? Wow, $100k seems like a lot, but then like you said if it's build to handle everything and scale then probably totally worth it. Surely that's a big bet to make early on though? Or guess it was jsut your...
  6. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @devaofprayze Yeah I've seen some crazy projects for MVPs, kinda impressive tbh. Ballers!
  7. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @abdulmasih Hmm, what about if you have a fixed price, but then you fit their idea into what you can offer within your fixed price? Or do you think that's just leaving money on the table, as well as not giving the client what they really want? - think i'd struggle to scope out a project in terms...
  8. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @dbbell Great insight, yeah I feel like the ranges are so wide. Purhaps I'm so used to focusing on individual project MVPs, instead of larger scale corp products.
  9. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @willboom Yeah that sounds more like it, better value for money. Guess your right though, really depends on the level of functionality
  10. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @homersimpson That's some serious money. But... guess some products are incredibly complicated.
  11. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    @djkatt17 Nice! Damn you sound efficient, love it! looks incredible as well, going to check this out. That's interesting, yeah I bet once you've built once type of product you can re-purpose the code to become more efficient. Awesome, what are your SaaS products?
  12. D

    Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application

    I see people charging $40k+ for this service, but I don't quite understand how people are able willing to spend that much on a product that's yet to be validated.