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    Real-time-ish equity calculator

    @marie22 If they haven’t raised since 2021, I think you can ask the CEO if company
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    How do you structure a team’s title with 2 CTO and 1 CEO

    @holiness4 they've had co ceos for 22 years. there are also plenty of other examples if you care to look (salesforce)
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    How do you structure a team’s title with 2 CTO and 1 CEO

    @holiness4 atlassian says hi
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    YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

    @soupy2209 I appreciate your opinions, out of curiosity how many billion dollar startups have you started?
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    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @mak123 There are plenty of Cambodian people at Ivy League schools and big tech and yc
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    YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

    @greekorthodox123456 Recommendation: make a new sub yc-nomod or something and you can all talk there. This sub has been overrun by spiteful people. We’d all appreciate this sub back and you guys will have a place to get whatever you want out of your sub!
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    Equity Allocation for Advisor Compensation

    @daniellea Advisors should be for very unique circumstances. Most startups do not need them. If you want an advisor get them to invest in your startup at current valuation.
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    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @aog17 yea some of those are impressive things, there are plenty of other impressive things people can do too though that are way more impressive... just going to an ivy league school isn't going to get you into yc. need to do a lot more than that, but its a good signal.
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    YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

    @witness1 Salesforce looks a lot like a database with a different ui
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    Follow up: 86% of S23 is based in the Bay Area

    @zedrick Yea the number is 86% will live in Bay Area for the batch. Also, what is prestige about living in the Bay Area? If you’re serious about your startup you should probably live in the Bay Area, nothing is stopping you related to prestige.
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    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @calmnow i dont think youre comprehending my comment...
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    YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

    @greekorthodox123456 nice way to dodge the question! I'm sure their dpi is 0 for this cohort so sounds like you're doing well!
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    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @zedrick The other way to think about this is they are looking for impressive people. Those people tend to do impressive things. This applies before, during and after yc.
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    YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

    @greekorthodox123456 Nice what's your dpi? keep it up
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    How much equity do you expect to give away?

    @mormarw *each subsequent priced round - safes don't dilute each other
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    YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

    @windinmysails We’re talking past each other. Vc is not the be all end all. It has produced some incredible companies. It has burned a lot of money. Lots of lps have gotten great returns, lots haven’t. If you don’t want to start a vc backed company you don’t have to. Why are you in the yc sub?
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    YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

    @windinmysails Huh? It sounds like you just don’t want to start a vc backed company. That’s great! There are lots of other things to do. Vcs didn’t make it this way. It’s just basic economics. Risk capital requires risk.
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    YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

    @windinmysails You just described the vc startup relationship. If you’re not interested in playing that game, do not do yc and do not raise vc money. There are other ways to start a company.
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    YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

    @greekorthodox123456 Lps are not knocking to get their money back Yc has no obligations to anyone but their Lps. They are a tiny tiny fraction of startup capital deployed. People have been telling them their biggest winners were dumb since yc started (see Airbnb, Reddit) Do you think you...
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    YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

    @birch I dont think it was feedback taken by yc. I think it was taken down cause it’s toxic. Partners in yc are very positive and optimistic. This whole sub has become the antithesis of what yc is like Huh so was the point for random people on Reddit to see it or yc partners? You weren’t right...