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  1. P

    Will lawn care businesses be replaced by robots in the near future?

    @kaynic I predict that lawn care professionals who embrace and integrate this kind of tech into their business operations will do well. Instead of fearing it, leverage it. Make it a competitive advantage. Can it make your work faster? More accurate? Cheaper? More interesting? Let robots do the...
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    Which fundraising stage of a startup is most likely to offer the greatest learning experience for future founders?

    @truthnottradition7 It sounds like you have some experience in the later stage, so I'd strongly recommending getting involved as early as possible next. A great place to start would be attending several events like the Techstars Startup Weekend. Doing a few of these very intense immersive events...
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    How to Generate Business Ideas p. 1

    @andrewjrg85 Cool list. Does “p. 1” imply that we can expect a “p. 2” in the near future? Hmmm?
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    If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

    @zhekapr Good question. That’s usually what our natural human psychological instinct is. It’s a good instinct in many contexts, but not for the kind of innovation most entrepreneurs here are after. What you’re describing — talking this way with friends, etc — is essentially practicing, or...
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    If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

    @strugglingsinner1 No, customer discovery is not selling. At this stage, you often don’t even reveal in your conversations that you’re creating a solution to the problem. This is pre-sales, pre-product, it’s almost pre-idea in the sense that this activity can dramatically affect rapid...
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    If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

    @aculturewarrior Yes, excellent book! I've given away at least a dozen copies now. Highly recommended. I think of it like an introduction to hypothesis testing, and a little library of experiments we can use to test many different aspects of a business model. I love the way it evaluates the...
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    If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

    @skyscepter Agree 100% — great comment. The more you practice things like this, the more you find them useful in a wide variety of contexts. I've also had a few opportunities to apply customer discovery techniques in the context of product development, and it has been consistently and highly...
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    If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

    @roman101 This is a great question. The answer is highly dependent on the specific details of a given opportunity. But generally, in this case, I'd make a case that customer discovery (CD) is even more important! There are many things to gain from scrutizing your existing competition's online...
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    If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

    @seekingtruth94 Friends, if you really want to practice the lean startup methodology and save yourself time, money, heartache, and humiliation, please don’t start with pitching and sales. This is a very common mistake. It’s essentially rehearsing our already overwhelmingly strong confirmation...