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  1. C

    Filtering out "Idea Guys", even if they have done some research

    @mc25 this is a really good insights, will defs use it. thanks!
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    Filtering out "Idea Guys", even if they have done some research

    @%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B5%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9 That's a tough one honestly. But that would be ideal. I agree with your points.
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    Filtering out "Idea Guys", even if they have done some research

    @david7ra doing a sprint together is a good idea for sure, I've been trying this out. However, when someone is tired, their true colors shine brighter and it's more clear who they are as a person like OP mentioned above.
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    Filtering out "Idea Guys", even if they have done some research

    @david7ra Great strategy! Tier them out then ask the big questions. you’re on to something here
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    Filtering out "Idea Guys", even if they have done some research

    What is a good way to do this? Do ya'll have a process, set of questions for these people when looking for a co-founder? Even if this person did some research and says they've interviewied N number of customers, etc, is there a way to differentiate them from serious potential co-founders?
  6. C

    Would you rather own 1% of the company for less responsibility or 10% for more responsibility?

    Saas company. In an optimistic and hypothetical scenario, at least 3 rounds of funding. Option A: 1-2% as a founding member. Option B: 10-20% as a founding C level member. Why?