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    Advisor asking for 7%, is it normal?

    @hangnon2jesus You’re most welcome 😄 Best of luck sir!
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    Advisor asking for 7%, is it normal?

    @hangnon2jesus Firstly the third founder is technically out voted but it’s important to ask them what’s their reason behind wanting to opt for bringing this advisor guy on board despite the lack of evidence which can verify their professional experience. This conversation is important. Bad...
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    Advisor asking for 7%, is it normal?

    @hangnon2jesus Looks like you’re negotiating with yourself with “maybe he didn’t do well in the past”…. That’s not a question you want to answer yourself rather this person should communicate his experience well and not leave a shadow of doubt. That’s what feels off to me. Aye man, what does...
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    Advisor asking for 7%, is it normal?

    @hangnon2jesus Correct me if I’m wrong but I’ve usually seen advisors get around 2% of a business in exchange for their time. Secondly, his professional experience isn’t verifiable. Call the whole thing off!
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    I studied how Amplitude (YC W12) went from zero to IPO in 9 years at $5 billion valuation

    @alfie13 This is wonderful! Thank you so much!
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    I interviewed 3 YC founders on pricing AI products (they all hate usage-based)

    @cornbreadfed614 Ah shit! Very helpful post OP, thank you so much!