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  1. S

    [Idea] Wedding Marketplace idea for users and vendors

    @516angelnell Sorry super late response to your question, meant to respond sooner but forgot. It would have to be a two-pronged approach, one focused on driving businesses to use the app, the other on increasing the number of end-users. For the business, it would offer a consolidated platform to...
  2. S

    [Idea] Wedding Marketplace idea for users and vendors

    @buddhisticcowboy Thanks for the feedback!
  3. S

    [Idea] Wedding Marketplace idea for users and vendors

    Hello guys, I just stumbled on this subreddit and wanted to have my idea roasted. I will try and keep it simple. This idea is to create a marketplace platform for connecting people getting married as well as wedding vendors. Pain points: I thought of this idea while trying to get my own...