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  1. Z

    I've created a free fitness app to guide and support your workouts

    @guitarhdman big props for taking the leap, mate! i feel the pain of wanting a straightforward tool without all the noise. curious, how does Meysa nudge you when it senses complacency? it's a neat idea to have an app act like that gym buddy who keeps you accountable. might give it a shot next...
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    Working on a custom train throttle controller

    @robertbelmes making a custom train throttle controller is pretty cool. and nice mix of skills there, from design to PCB and 3d printing. interesting how the cheaper print worked out better. keeping costs down is always a win. the pics look great, quality seems on point. how's putting it all...
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    4 months only and a new update already

    @firefnx super! 🥰
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    Have you ever had an idea for an app or system but didn't know how to code it?

    @jim1960 hey there, mate, love the initiative. breaking down and cloning features from popular apps can be a super effective way to learn. especially appreciate that you're providing this for free – it removes barriers for many who are just starting out. for those wondering if they should hop...
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    4 months only and a new update already

    @firefnx WOW! it’s an honour for me brother! keep me updated on Twitter as you build, brother!
  6. Z

    4 months only and a new update already

    @firefnx hey mate, the quicker tempo of your updates reflects a growing harmony with user needs. this small bookmark tweak, a simple bow to user convenience, showcases a deeper user dialogue it’s these nuanced touches that often compose a sweeter user experience. your journey from the last...
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    I've created a game iOS app for your children to learn multiplication tables

    @chris4god cool app. always a trick making learning fun without losing the educational bit. how do you balance it, keeping it fun but also solid learning? to me, adaptive difficulty seems key. keen to see how kids and parents find it.
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    Looking for feedback on my newsletter on how successful companies used brand to fuel growth

    @mowo that sounds like a valuable resource. focusing on case studies like fishwife provides practical, real-world insights. positioning, tapping into cultural trends, and clever collaborations are key takeaways. your breakdown of fishwife's strategy is detailed and informative. i'll definitely...