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  1. L

    Affordable Website for Your Startup Business!

    @villianmade I actually really love this advice and I’m glad I asked you about this. I am in the US market and I’m in a small city that has a lot of local business with bad websites, so this could work well. I’ve never made anywhere near $1000 for any freelance work I’ve done so charging in that...
  2. L

    Affordable Website for Your Startup Business!

    @villianmade Alright mate, you sound pretty well versed in this area. What would you recommend I do to find clients? This post hasn’t generated any traction for me.
  3. L

    Affordable Website for Your Startup Business!

    @villianmade I disagree. Others can set their prices to whatever they please. I’m new to designing In Webflow and I think my pricing is accurate to my lack of skill and lack of a portfolio.
  4. L

    Affordable Website for Your Startup Business!

    Hey sweaty startup members! I just discovered this subreddit in an r/Entrepreneur post. I absolutely love the ideas going around in here and it seems like a lot of you are actually making money with these hustles rather than just fantasizing about them like r/Entrepreneur tends to do! I wanted...