Search results

  1. J

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    @nirajrana You can write articles on any topic. But it won't become popular until it makes Google's algorithms happy. One way is to linked from popular websites (techcrunch, arstechnica, reddit or university webpages -- dot edu domains have high page rank, and therefore so do anything they point...
  2. J

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    @nirajrana Your post is very terse. Probably to prevent people from copying all the ideas, which is fine. If you are talking about something like collaborative filtering (, then the problem lies in acquiring user data. Collab filtering...
  3. J

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    @nirajrana Doesn't Google give you a list of "related searches" for almost any search keyword?