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  1. N

    Technical Founders: Is 37 too old for a non-technical person to start learning to code? Where do I start?

    @calpastor Very Ironic that on PostGresql website download section they have only 1 ready to run stack which is LAPP / MAPP / WAPP and guess what .. it's with PHP. Why are they still offering it only with PHP and not Node or something else if it would be...
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    Do you set subscription price for growth and potentially lose a lot of money, or price for profitability early on?

    @jestrada You don't need to lose a lot of money or make a lot of money, you can simply be close to break even. Unless you're running a Blitz strategy I don't see why you'd ever want to price for big losses, that's a great way to bankrupt yourself.
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    Increase your SaaS revenue overnight

    @pxw521 Upselling is a sales technique where you offer the potential customer an upgraded version of the product that they have already decided to buy. Cross-selling is a sales technique where you offer the potential customer a product that is complementary to the one that they have already...
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    Technical Founders: Is 37 too old for a non-technical person to start learning to code? Where do I start?

    @calpastor Is there a guide on how to set up React + Node.js + PostGres/FireBase on a local Windows machine? Basically I want something that has 0 dependence on any 3rd parties or 3rd party services and can run on Windows.
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    Technical Founders: Is 37 too old for a non-technical person to start learning to code? Where do I start?

    @calpastor I'm not "PHP people", just practical because I've been doing PHP for ages and don't have enough knowledge of the other techs to say what works best or if they're a better choice or not. I know lot of people going for Node and React but also lots going for Laravel, Python and other...
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    Technical Founders: Is 37 too old for a non-technical person to start learning to code? Where do I start?

    @calpastor About 70%-80% of all websites and web apps are build with PHP :) FB included
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    Set up LTD company in UK or no?

    @brockharper No issues it's just a bank transfer, very basic everyday operation. Fees you pay to the bank, which is whatever fees they charge to send GBP to a foreign country. It's probably best to send in GBP and let the receiving US bank convert to USD automatically as you will get a better...
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    Can’t get any leads

    @needsafriendtochatto 200 is not "a lot of people" I think you need to get your metrics right. Email you'll need to email 10000+ people for any chance of traction. I can CHAT on social with 200 people in 1 week. That's how small that number is. Multiply it and also don't keep doing the same...
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    Set up LTD company in UK or no?

    @brockharper On my first SaaS I did all the sales through my company in the EU, once it came the time I transitioned everything to a US company, no subsidiary needed. Stripe literally transferred all the clients from one account to the other. I had a UK LTD it's pretty simple to run, you're...
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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    @summersunshine1217 We're doing this in B2B our users enter their openai api key. The only alternative to that is if we charged them instead for it, so they'd have to deposit upfront the amount which would eliminate liability.
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    Technical Founders: Is 37 too old for a non-technical person to start learning to code? Where do I start?

    @liesnr1 Cool, I never built any APIs or backends with Python, only use it to run scripts. Can it be set up in IIS ? I use Windows Servers only as they're a lot easier to manage for me as I don't have enough experience with Linux at that level.
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    Founders that have had liquidity: How would you go about finding your next high value problem to solve?

    @dsdnods Very simple really... by order of priority as 1 being the easiest to build a startup around because you'll be your first customer and therefore understand the problem a lot better than if you weren't. Plus you can use the solution for yourself and be the first use case. High Value...
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    Technical Founders: Is 37 too old for a non-technical person to start learning to code? Where do I start?

    @eternallykeptbyjesus Nobody is ever too old, the question is if you have the personality for it. There are TONS of free tutorials and courses on how to start coding. My suggestion: Find a real problem to solve so you are not learning only to learn, you're learning with an objective to solve...
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    How long on average did it take you to raise funds?

    @daisym Depends on a lot of factors: How good your pitch deck is How many VCs you reach out to How many Angel Investors you reach out to If you have a Prototype or not If you have MVP or not
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    I interviewed 3 YC founders on pricing AI products (they all hate usage-based)

    @cornbreadfed614 Yep I find the usage based model to be unrelatable and on my new startup (building prototype atm) I'm pricing based on outcome rather than usage. The only time you price per usage is if you sell API access. :)
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    Just hit $1000 MRR!

    @ovixs90 Great job, success comes from this.. scientific method. Test, Results, Improve repeat Consistency is king. Once you have more results you will start to identify a pattern of where you find the best customers.
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    Getting to the top on Product Hunt: Detailed and Honest Guide after 4 Failures

    @jnorthey Very insightful, yeah buying votes is a violation of terms so they can ban you. Makes sense to do it as a launch outside PH to get people who aren't in PH to go vote on PH. On my first SaaS I tried PH long ago but we didn't ask anyone to go vote we just posted the launch on PH with...