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  1. K

    Should I change LLC to C Corp?

    @higherground this is the way. the price is nothing compared to the time it saves you. I previously heard about them, but just recently started to think about whether to incorporate or not pre-seed. but some VC firms really want you to have an entity set up, even pre-seed, so it...
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    Is it true 90% of startups fail, 10% succeed? What do the 10% do differently?

    @fessjoz Yep, thanks for reminding me I'm looking to change education (b2c, mostly) not just because I'm a gambler (😂), but mostly because I want to solve a problem many people have, not just a few wealthy ones
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    Should I change LLC to C Corp?

    @carolineisland thanks for mentioning TinySeed, looks like a good start for first-time founders, I signed up for the next cohort
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    AMA [W23] - My journey from $0 to $5k MRR in 6 months, and why I decided to pivot

    @veyhenlo a platform for free education (as in how YouTube is free, but creators still make money). latest elevator I have is "Coursera for a traveling tutor's in-person courses": it's hard being a nobody, but I'm advancing slowly, but surely. I'm my first user (will teach a...
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    AMA [W23] - My journey from $0 to $5k MRR in 6 months, and why I decided to pivot

    @veyhenlo thanks for posting, love these uncut stories. they inspire those of us hopping on a similar journey
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @futuretrainee you have something that most startups don't: a customer
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @futuretrainee make them really happy, learn every possible aspect on how they're using your product, and why. then ask yourself where will you find people like them.