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    7 Human hijacks (Psychology) Rules to make your marketing stronger

    Marketing For Non-Marketers (a masterclass) Marketing isn’t complicated or tough. It’s all about understanding humans. Here are 7 Human Hijacks to help you understand human psychology (h/t: Craig Clemens) Make it about them Demonstrate the benefits. By joining the conversation they’re...
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    7 Copywriting Frameworks

    Copywriting templates are B.S. They are rigid and don’t provide room for creativity Instead… Learn frameworks. Frameworks guides sequencing and flows. Here are 7 Copywriting Frameworks: ———————————————————— AIDA Attention: example hook of this post: templates are BS...
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    9 QUICK Email Marketing Tips

    1️⃣ Spamming Offers Sending emails ≠ Slamming offers Emails = building trust tell relatable stories. Your email content should provide value. Readers should have an aha moment after reading your emails. ❌Spamming ✅Build trust 2️⃣Personalization Personalization ≠ just including first...
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    7 Copywriting Frameworks

    Copywriting templates are B.S. They are rigid and don’t provide room for creativity Instead… Learn frameworks. Frameworks guides sequencing and flows. Here are 7 Copywriting Frameworks: ———————————————————— AIDA Attention: example hook of this post: templates are BS...